Friday, April 8, 2011

Current Obsessions

1. Sea life necklaces. With summer so close yet so far, little reminders of the beach are so pleasing. offers a nice selection of necklaces featuring crabs, lobsters, turtles and seahorses!

2. Softlips butter. Softlips brand lip moisturizers has always gotten me through the cold winter dry summers. Now the reliable brand has Lip butter. Basically their version of lip gloss, this "butter" goes on so smooth, is made with natural ingredients and comes in a vast aray of colors.

3. Dried Fruit. I am a long time fan of Ocean Spray Craisins, and all dried fruit. Being a college student it isn't easy to drive to the nearest market to buy dried fruit luckily Ocean Spray offers a great selection for cheap. My new favorite is their Pomegranate flavor.

4. Rain boots! I don't know about you but where I live April is always a little gray and a lot of rainy.  Cute, colorful rain boots that are easy on the eye are never a bad choice. Even if it's not raining I like the pair them with leggings and a tunic, ya know just in case it does rain ;)

5. Argan Oil. We will be doing a separate post on Argan oil but in the meantime Josie Maran has infused her whole line of cosmetics with it! Pure Argan oil can cost upwards of $75 per bottle. Supermodel Josie Maran infuses it into hair products, mascara and  now concealer!

6. Metromint water. For those of you who have never tried Metromint brand water please do. The spearmint and peppermint flavor literally cool you down. Now they have introduced their new flavor Goodberrymint. According to their website Goodberrymint will not hit the shelves for a few months yet. However, for $10.00 you can order a six pack off of their website. What are you waiting for?

7. The People's Key by Bright Eyes. Omaha grown indie rock boy genius Conor Oberst has been making music since age 13. With 18 albums/E.P's under his 31 year old belt, Conor Oberst and his band Bright Eyes never cease to impress. Their latest creation The People' Key is nothing short of incredible.
Saddle Creek Records has streamed a 50 minute video on Youtube for the whole album featuring the band members lounging around a New York City apartment watching the lyrics on a projector.

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